You can track the risk adjustment performance of your value-based care programs at any level of granularity with our Self-Service Analytics feature. Access your data any time with a suite of intuitive dashboards that enable you to drill down to the latest data to see what’s working and better support the areas that aren’t.
Dig into the Data with Intuitive Dashboards

View Topline Trends
Get YTD and month-to-month looks at key performance indicators

Compare Programs
Analyze RAF capture and clinical complexities, program by program

Analyze Site by Site
View HCCs presented, captured and addressed across practices

Identify Training Gaps
Use capture data to identify new provider education opportunities

Distilled Reporting for Targeted Improvement
Now available for all VBC programs, including Medicare, Medicaid & ACA Exchange risk models

Outreach Prioritization Report
Identify the patients with the most outstanding care gaps in your population with this report, rank-ordering individual patients not only by the volume of chronic RAF that has yet to be captured but by the strength of evidence behind that chronic RAF.

Provider Insights Report
Fine-tune your provider training efforts with our insights report, allowing you to compare providers with a configurable set of their peers to identify specific disease categories in which they're under-addressing HCCs.

Accessible Anytime

Data Refreshed Weekly