Focus on what matters most.
Taking care of your patients.


Make every patient visit count.

You became a doctor because you wanted to help people, not spend all your time
in your EHR. When you’ve only got a few minutes with a patient, what you really
want is a solution that gives you the most important and meaningful insights
before you knock on that exam room door. That’s why we’re here.

Everything delivered right in the EHR

Now you don’t have to go outside your existing clinical workflow to uncover critical gaps in patient care, suspected conditions, and HCCs.

The data that matters most

No more mountain of patient data to wade through. You’ll get a powerful, yet easy-to-scan checklist of the patient’s most pressing concerns.

A proactive approach to better care

Any data system can give you a retrospective look at a patient’s history. Our system takes a prospective approach to risk adjustment for better outcomes now—and in the future.


A better approach to health care data.

The Curation Health platform is fully customizable to give you the most critical,
high-impact insights so you can provide the best care to your patients.


The engine powering our program-agnostic platform selectively uses NLP and AI to transform data into user-friendly formats and then analyzes that data against 1,400 clinical and quality rules to identify both known and undiscovered patient needs.


Once the data is analyzed, it sends an easy-to-scan pre-visit patient history summary to your own EHR, including any verified care gaps and suspected (but unmanaged) medical conditions.


Our post-visit, pre-claim review of your documentation, clinical evidence, and coding ensures claims are RADV compliant so they are billed accurately to improve revenue integrity.

Physician Group Results


estimated impact on MA PMPM


incremental HCCs not previously identified

Up to 5x

improvement in pre-visit reviews


minutes less documentation time per patient


Better data. Better care.


Created by doctors,
for doctors

The clinicians and healthcare experts on our team know firsthand how challenging it can be to access the most important patient data at the point of care. So they created a platform that gives you insights at your fingertips. That means no more digging through medical records to piece together the patient’s story right before a visit.


Align your teams. Expand your reach.

The transition to value-based care is gaining momentum and Curation Health helps providers partner with payer organizations to share both the risks and rewards of managing patient care. And because physician adoption of our platform is high—85%—it drives both clinical and financial outcomes.

Curation Health isn’t just a vendor for us; they’re a true partner. Through their experience, we’ve gotten guidance and recommendations to help us mature in the value-based care space. They’ve demonstrated the ability to change with us, and we look forward to continuing to partner with them.

SCOTT WOODSVP of Senior Care; VP of Physician Network–Mid America Region, AdventHealth

As a physician who works directly in the Curation Health platform, I see its power firsthand every day. Not only do I value the clinical data it combines and shares to assist in my clinical decision making, the reports I get from the platform shine a spotlight on any areas of opportunity for accurate HCC/risk capture. I appreciate the platform and would recommend it to others.

AARON D CLARK, DOMedical Director of Value Based Care, The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

News + Insights



Curation Health Employee Spotlight – Hiro Obata

July 16, 2024
Meet Hiro Obata, QA Engineer at Curation Health.   How long have you been with Curation…

Curation Health Employee Spotlight – Ken Brumer

June 24, 2024
Meet Ken Brumer, Senior Director of Engineering at Curation Health. How long have you been…
Podcasts & Videos

Healthcare Trailblazers Podcast: The Ultimate Guide for Small Practices Navigating VBC with Kevin Coloton, Founder, Curation Health

May 2, 2024
For the Healthcare Trailblazers Podcast, Curation Health’s CEO and co-founder, Kevin Coloton, and host Mendel Erlenwein discussed value-based care (VBC) versus…