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To our healthcare colleagues:

We at Curation Health are truly inspired by the efforts of our provider and health plan clients as they quickly rise to the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we pledge our resources and support to this critical work.

To that end, we are announcing several specific and immediate enhancements to our technology and services for the provider community in this time of need:

Enhancement #1: COVID-19 Severity Risk Analytics: We have developed registries of patients whose pre-existing conditions and profiles make them at highest risk of serious COVID-19 complications to help guide our partners’ targeted patient outreach, support, and interventions. We believe this risk analysis and scoring will present a critical aid to organizations seeking to prioritize the delivery and management of population health services (such as home food delivery and telehealth) in the fast-changing landscape.

Enhancement #2:  COVID-19 Provider Prompts: We have added COVID-19 specific rules to our rules engine to standardize provider awareness of (and responsiveness to) risk factors, and to enrich the support and guidance given to patients and their families at the point of care. These prompts may be updated as clients desire to ensure that providers are continuously connected to the latest data and organizational policies concerning COVID-19 resources and response.

Curation Health is dedicated to making available the essential disease risk data and decision support guidance that providers need, when they need it. As the pandemic evolves, our efforts to support providers and health plans will evolve accordingly. We hope you will offer feedback and guidance on how to improve our support.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your relationship manager at Curation Health if there is anything we can do to better serve you or your communities of caregivers and patients.

With sincere appreciation,

Matt Lambert, MD
Chief Medical Officer

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