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Josh Kerns is Curation Health’s Chief Financial Officer.

Q: What made you join Curation Health?

A: Interestingly, I have been connected to Curation Health since it’s inception. One of the main reasons that I was excited to be involved was because of the people. Our founder and CEO, Kevin Coloton has done a great job of putting together an exceptional team, and I am excited to work with them.

Q: From an industry perspective, what do you think makes us different from other start-ups? What do you think makes us stand out in what we offer?

A: I believe what makes us different from other start-ups is the people that we have put into place and the people that we continually add to the organization. Curation does not just look for team members that can fill a role or provide a certain skillset. We intentionally make sure that each member of the team will fit into the great culture that has been developed.

We are not just singularly threaded. One thing that sets us apart is the fact that we have truly built a product that provides value to our partners instead of just selling them something that they feel checks a box. Another is the culture of the organization. When you have engaged team members who are truly excited about working for Curation, it strengthens the overall delivery to our partners.

When a company is in a start-up or growth mode it is critical that you have the right type of people on the team. The intentionality of building a culture where everyone feels valued and working toward a common goal are great examples of the type of culture that Curation fosters.  We also work hard to make sure that team members feel welcomed and informed when joining our organization

Q: How have you seen start-ups like Curation pivot in their growth strategy? How was this impacted by the pandemic?

A: A start-up by nature must be able to pivot quickly in order to grow, but that is one of the beautiful realities of working in a start-up/growth environment. The inherent constraints of a larger organization often make it difficult to quickly shift or be agile to the client or market needs. Our clients will often guide us in how we need to pivot if we just listen to what they are trying to communicate to us, and I’ve seen Curation do this many times. We constantly expands the capabilities of our core platform because of the need to pivot around the client requirements or goals.

Not only does help our clients perform or succeed, but it helps Curation grow in the overall depth of our offering.  The pandemic has impacted Curation’s growth strategy mainly because of the unknown.  Especially in the early portion of the pandemic, our clients didn’t always have the capacity to dictate their needs because they truly didn’t know what the future held.

I feel like we have done a tremendous job being flexible and willing to serve our clients in a time of many unknowns. Now that we are moving into more certain times, our ability to pivot has only strengthened our client relationships and overall culture.

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