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According to a recent JAMA Internal Medicine study, primary care clinicians on average spend the most time using EHRs, with an average time spent on daily notes at 51.5 minutes.

Technology can make a good process worse, but EHRs should simplify care, not add complexity.

Meet Curation Health. Our platform integrates data from EHRs, claims, labs and other sources to capture, classify, process and provide actionable guidance on the information you already have. We have strategic integration partnerships with leading electronic health record partners to deliver this support, including for use with the Epic App Orchard.

What providers need more of is curated, actionable data that helps them identify, diagnose and manage higher-risk patients more effectively. So does your EHR add care or complexity to your patients and clinical teams?

Organizational VBC adoption assessment – Four essential questions:

  • Are physicians receiving the right information at the right time?
  • Is it easy for them to act on it? Do they suffer from alert fatigue?
  • Is the care team being overwhelmed with data, tasks and clinical activities designed around the fee-for-service, 10-minute patient visit?
  • Do clinicians feel burdened by technology…or empowered by it?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach that defines the “ideal” workflow. For many organizations, it’s an ever-evolving process. Study the flow of information from point to point. Identify places to optimize either through technology or tweaks in procedures or team roles. Resist the urge to solve problems by generating more data and reports.

Wherever you are on your value-based care journey, we’ll meet you there and help guide the way. 

Contact us to get started.

Learn how Curation Health can help capture and address HCC risks GET STARTED NOW